General Dental Practice in Daytona Beach, FL - MAS20032

Price available upon request

General practice

4 operatories
2200 sq. ft.
$1,000,000 in annual collections

Located in one of the fastest growing areas in Florida with one of the world’s greatest beaches is a long-established Fee-for-Service practice. Situated in the prime medical crossroads along the Central Coast, it gets an est. 50 new patients each month – all highly referred from patients, medical providers, United Healthcare, and the V.A. A well-skilled provider that is highly motivated and energetic will take this $1m+ practice to new heights in no time. There is a lot of opportunity for Adult Restorative, All-on-Four, Cosmetics, etc. The office is PAPERLESS, being all hi-tech, including CBCT. The full team is in place, including the seller, who will continue/limit his treatments to those with TMJ issues and Sleep Apnea – promising a continued source of new patients. Located in a stand-alone building of 2,200 SF, the office has 4 fully equipped Ops with one additional plumbed. A smaller satellite location (20 miles north) is fully equipped and serves patients one day per week. Call MaryAnn Serkin for details regarding this most exciting opportunity, featuring highly unusual and affordable Pricing Practice: General

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