*** New Listing – Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Practice – Hartford County, CT.

Price available upon request

Dental practice

3 operatories
1800 sq. ft.
$500,000 in annual collections

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Practice - Hartford County, CT.
This Oral & Maxillofacial surgery practice was established in 1989 by the current owner and has been operated at the present location since 1996. The practice benefits from a stable dentist referral base and consistent patient referrals. Practice revenues are a combination of patient paid and private insurance. It is conveniently located on the first floor of a handicap-accessible professional building with ample free parking. Office occupies 1,800 sq. ft. and consists of 3 treatment rooms. Practice includes a Conebeam/Pano. unit & CareStream Win OMS Software for practice management. This practice is collecting over $500k per year with the normalized NET income of $187k.
Practice offered at $329k. Please contact: jq@dentalpracticesalesllc.com

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