Dental Practice for Sale (Washington DC)

Price available upon request

General practice

3 operatories
900 sq. ft.
$1,400,000 in annual collections

Capitol Hill DC Charmer Dental Office for Sale (Washington DC)
This is a special opportunity to buy a beautiful practice in the Capitol Hill section of  Washington DC.  Established for more than 15 years.  Gross $1.4M on 5 days a week.  Mostly fee for service with some out of network benefits.  Doctor owns 2 story building which is also for sale.  26 to 32 new patients per month.  There are 3 plumbed operatories and room for more can be purchased.  Second floor is 900 square feet with administrative offices and dental office downstairs is 1,000 square feet.  Computerized with intraoral camera & digital software for x-rays.  Well managed with very low accounts receivable.  Current fee structure: crown $1,682, full mouth x-ray $191, 1 surface composite $306.  Doctor will be retiring, but is willing to stay on for a few months to assist in the transition and staff will be staying on.  TSvw25dcCD 

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