Conveniently located in a popular Retail Center at busy intersection - #DG-1526 San JosePublic Facility Info
Doctor has established and streamlined office policies for efficient patient flow in this practice serving a diverse patient base of professionals, tech, healthcare executives and families in this highly desirable neighborhood.
Doctor averages 12 - 15 patients per day and welcomes approximately 10 new patients per month, based on ground floor accessibility of popular, busy street-level Retail Center and word-of-mouth referrals of quality care.
Office is conveniently located on the ground level with excellent signage & visibility of popular Retail Center at the busy intersection of 2 major throughfares across from Public Transportation/Bus Route.
The office occupies approximately 1,259 square feet and consists of 4 fully equipped OPs with plumbing for 1 additional OP, Reception area, Doctor’s office, Business office, Sterilization, Darkroom, Lab, Storage, and Restroom.
Asking Price: $425,000