Ortho practice w/ stellar reputation – streamlined for efficiency - #DG-1502 Mountain View (Ortho)Public Facility Info
Come, invest in this community and deliver your best care in this long-established Orthodontic practice with a stellar reputation, streamlined for efficiency and productivity by seasoned staff in this pristine office at this proven successful location!
Doctor averages approximately 20-25 patients per day, averaging 5 consults + records, all ready to start per week! Practice welcomes approximately 15+ new patients/per month from a robust referral base and word-of-mouth referrals from family and friends of patients.
Office is conveniently located within walking distance to busy, popular Shopping Center and Schools with close proximity to Medical Facility in an attractive, well-maintained, 2-story Professional building and occupies approximately 1,597 square feet and consists of 4 fully equipped OPs + Financial Arrangement-Consult-Exam Room, Reception area, Doctor’s office, Staff Lounge, Sterilization, Lab and 2 Restrooms.
Asking Price: $510,000