Dental Practice in Wicomico County, MD - 14117
This is a long-established dental practice with approx. 1,600 square feet and very reasonable monthly rent of $2,200. It is very challenging to find a practice grossing $840k with associates in the region. Over 58 new patients per month and turning patients away. Open 5 days a week, no weekends or Saturdays. 4 plumbed operatories with room for more. Staff consists of 2 dentists, 3 hygienists, 1 1/2 assistants and 1 front desk. Well managed staff to handle large practice. 30% fee for service/70% PPO & insurance. Minimal advertising. Referring out molar endo, orthodontics, implant surgery. Computerized, paperless, intraoral cameras & intraoral scanner. This is a complete turnkey operation. Landlord open to lease extension. Seller has additional associates and produces about 30% of production. Current fees: crown $1,479, full mouth x-ray $157, 1 surface composite $121. Staff and doctor will stay on to assist in the transition. Please call us today, it is rare to see practice turning away patients because they are too busy. JQss81mdDC Please call Dr. Gary DDS 571-461-8025