$600K Oral Surgery Practice for Sale in Columbia,South Carolina
Oral surgery
If you were looking for a perfect satellite office downtown Columbia, South Carolina, this is a very good opportunity. The practice is in a leased space with rent only $2300 a month. This is practice of the very long-standing oral surgeon in the community. He desires to retire. He has a very good referral base with about 15 super good referrals, which represent about 80% of his referral base. He is really winding down and not working very hard. He does have some older chairs and he only has a digital panoramic not a 3-D pan. Although the practice is doing a little bit more than 600,000 he is happy to sell the practice for $350,000 knowing that a new buyer is going to have to invest in some updated technology. He has 1 Front desk, 1 surgery, assistant, and one insurance coordinator. They’ve all been with him for many years and they would be willing to stick around and help a new person. If you’re looking for your first solo Oral Surgery office this is a very good start or if you’re looking to have a satellite location this is a good opportunity