BA #31 Pittsburg Dental Office
This dental office is located in a Strip Mall.
Nearby businesses include a variety of retail anchor stores, local shops, and restaurants.
Number of Operatories – 4 ops total. 4 plumbed, 4 equipped.
Square footage of office – 1,200 square feet
Lease amount and remaining terms – Base rent, 3,058.02/month, includes NNN, CAM and Water. Additional monthly charges are Electric Utility for $350/month, Gas Utility for $100/month, & Garbage for $50/month.
Current lease expires in January 2027. Options to renew until 2032. Rent increases $0.5 per year.
Average age of equipment – 12 years
Computer os – Practice Web
Owner works – 32 hours a week
Hygiene – Doctor conducts hygiene 4 days a week
Patient count – 700 active patients (in the last 18 months)
Patients booked – 6 months for recalls; Accepts walk-ins
Reason For Selling – Health Issue and Retiring
27 years of Goodwill
”The buyer understands that the lease is a separate transaction from the business, and that the lease and the business are to be negotiated and discussed independently of one another.”
PPO insurances accepted – Delta Dental, United Health Care, MetLife, Sigma, Blue Cross, rest is out of network
This sale is confidential and does not include photos of the practice.