OC #4 Santa Ana Dental Office
This dental office is located in a professional building. Nearby businesses include a restaurants, gym, art school, government buildings and many local businesses.
Number of Operatories – 4 ops.
Square footage of office – 1,616 square feet
Rent – Base, $3,232 including water, electricity, trash, CAM and NNN
Average age of equipment – 10 years
Computer os – EZ 2000
Owner works – 32 hours a week
Hygiene – Doctor himself conducts hygiene 4 days a week
Patient count – 7,200 active patients
Patients booked – 1 week ahead of time
The seller has been the owner of this office at this location since 1996 after building the practice.
Reason For Selling: Retiring
PPO insurances accepted – Any PPO Insurance. ie. Delta Dental, Metlife, Cigna, Guardian, United Healthcare, Principal, Aetna, United Concordia
This sale is confidential and does not include photos of the practice.